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A London-based publisher with a variety of books, art and videos in our portfolio. Contact us at info@zoism.co.uk


Stagedoor is a dynamic publishing company founded in 1977.  We strive to publish books that we believe our readers will find informative and enjoyable.  We have also recently launched our online Stagedoor Gallery which showcases the work of exciting artists.

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A highly intelligent book and as far as I know the only one of its kind.

Mr J Collins (A review of 14-18 The Final Word)

This book is so gripping that I couldn’t put it down and I read it in one day.

Holly (A review of The Hell of Social Phobia)

Great book I love true stories. It’s very rare now days for people to be capable of seeing opportunities.
Good old proper Londoner story.

— Adam (A review of I am London’s Most Successful Crook)

An extremely moving and detailed story, it’s the best book on Tinnitus I have ever read.

Elaine (A review of Tinnitus )